We cannot guarantee the quality of the offers and do not make direct recommendations.
DB stands for DataBase.
It is possible to submit a new entry whose location is not in Germany.
However, the area search currently only works in Germany.
When a new entry is submitted, it must first be checked and activated by one of our team members.
In some cases we delete entries.
This can happen in case of:
The proximity search does not filter by a city, but displays all matching entries in ascending distance to your (selected) location.
Make sure that you have entered your location correctly. Above you can see by which location the system filters. You can also use your browser’s location data by clicking on the “Area search” button.
It is also possible that there are no entries in your area yet - hopefully this will change soon!
With us, contact points can appear more than once if they fall into several categories. For example, there are therapists who are also experts. For these cases, the entry exists once for each appropriate category.
The information of the entries is submitted by the users and translation of dynamic user generated data is currently not possible.
Also, since Trans*DB is currently primarily designed for entries and users from Germany, corresponding information is also from Germany and thus mostly in German.
No, we have deliberately decided against this. Automated processing by third parties has great potential for abuse. There is a risk that the institutions would then want to have their entries removed due to misuse, automated processing and/or spam. This would not help anyone.
Please do not send us any requests that you are looking for a therapy place, for example. You can find the right facilities for you on our website and contact them yourself. We do not contact them for you.
With pleasure. We manage our donations transparently via Open Collective.